UX Reality

Eye Tracking

Get the reliable insights via eye tracking integrated with surveys
implicit test interface
Get to Know What Consumers See

Eye Tracking is a technology that allows you to understand what a person is really looking at while watching advertising, viewing design layouts, browsing a website, etc. It is the most objective method to measure consumers' attention.

With eye tracking you can easily test:

  • Video materials
  • Live websites (UX/UI)
  • Images (print ads, online banners, etc.)
  • Packages/product concept
  • Product shelf placement

At CoolTool platform, eye tracking technology (as well as other neuromarketing technologies) is fully integrated with our surveys engine. It allows you to cross-analyze consumers' explicit responses with their nonconscious reactions and get the most reliable insights. It is all fully automated.

You can run eye tracking studies using a special device (infrared eye tracker) or via a standard webcam. The accuracy of the webcam-based eye tracking results depends on the webcam resolution.

Webcam-based eye tracking
  • Online tool
  • Works with standard webcams
  • For everyday research
  • Access to online panels
Eye Tracker
  • Professional equipment
  • Highest accuracy
  • For research in the lab
  • Integrated with all neuromarketing tools
  • Works with a webcam / eye tracker
  • Integrates with online surveys
  • High accuracy
  • Automated reporting
  • Understandable visualizations
  • Online panels / your own participants
Do Marketing that Captures Attention

Marketers make a lot of effort to capture their consumers’ attention. It’s vital for marketing success to know which parts of the communication process consumers focus on and which parts they ignore. Eye tracking can objectively answer these questions using vivid visualizations.

Heatmap video

Gaze plot

Opacity map

Bee swarm video

Area of interest (AOI)

Fixation count

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Eye Tracking Hardware

What is an Eye Tracker?

Eye Tracker is a hardware for consumer behavior data collection. This device is required to conduct eye tracking projects. It is small and can be easily used for a fieldwork or conveniently mailed to colleagues in other cities. It is quick and easy to connect and set up.
CoolTool provides you with the hardware at an affordable price. Eye Tracker Basic (has no head movement compensation) and Eye Tracker Pro (with head movement compensation) that you can order on our website are fully compatible with CoolTool NeuroLab platform. Please, note, we are not responsible for its compatibility with other systems.

How to set up an Eye Tracker?

At first, insert the USB cable in the Eye Tracker itself and connect it to a USB 3.0 SuperSpeed port on your computer. Then make sure the Eye Tracker is reliably installed so the tracker does not move. The device should be placed in front of the screen so that respondent’s eyes are approximately at 45-75 cm distance from the screen.

The third step: download and install the latest version of the NeuroLab application.

The last step - initiate calibration of the eye tracking device in few clicks. Calibration
will be completed automatically.

After this, your device is ready to collect data.

Eye Tracker Basic vs Eye Tracker PRO

Eye Tracker Basic is perfect for testing materials that last 1 minute or less. This model of eye tracker does not have head movement compensation and respondents have to keep a stable position. Eye Tracker PRO is a great solution for testing videos that last more than 1-2 minutes. This model uses the head movement compensation algorithm and respondent is not required to remain completely still during the test.

Find out more about Eye Tracker Basic and Eye Tracker PRO.

What is webcam-based eye tracking

Webcam-based eye tracking is a fully online tool, doesn’t require a specialized device or application. It works with a standard webcam and easily integrates with online surveys and emotion measurement technology. The quality of the webcam eye tracking results depends not only on the lighting in the room but also, as it is logical to assume, on the respondents' webcam resolution. At CoolTool we have designed our own unique algorithm of capturing eye positions and movement. Our Machine Learning team is constantly working to improve the technology to make our webcam eye tracking solution the best product on the DIY research market.
Eye Tracking Solutions

Eye Tracking for Websites

Eye tracking will give you an understanding of how good your website’s navigation is. It can show how effective the banner ads on the site are, which elements of the site draw the most attention, and which parts are likely to be overlooked. You will be able to track the actions of the user from the beginning of the session until the final purchase.

Eye Tracking for Shelf Placement

CoolTool software can display a product in a range of random shelf positions, varying the position for every new user. The results of this test are impossible to fake, as the answers it produces are not subject to the personal prejudices and opinions of the respondent.
CoolTool software can display a product in a range of random shelf positions, varying the position for every new user. The results of this test are impossible to fake, as the answers it produces are not subject to the personal prejudices and opinions of the respondent.

The unique and important feature that CoolTool offers to researchers in a shelf placement tests is 'rotation' and 'stick to previous' options. 'Rotation' allows you test products placed in a different order on a shelf from one respondent to another. 'Stick to previous' enables you to lock two items on a shelf (e.g. Coca-Cola and Pepsi bottles) so they would always stay next to each other, no matter the rotation.

Eye Tracking for Video Materials

Whether you are analyzing an advertising clip or other video content, you will be able to see what the user paid most attention to during viewing. Eye tracking test will help you to iron out any costly mistakes before the video goes public. It is a great way to test your logo visibility, as well messaging in your commercial.

Eye Tracking for Advertisement

It is a real challenge to grab viewer’s attention with an advertisement. Eye Tracking helps to find out how eye-catching are any advertising materials (videos, pictures, etc.). You will be able to see how people react to your advertisement, both individually and when placed alongside other visual materials. You will also be able to identify the most effective position for your advertisement.

Eye Tracking for Packaging and Design

Eye tracking technology allows you to determine the visibility of your product or branding in relation to similar products or brands in your segment. It offers insight into the effectiveness of your design in attracting attention within the context of market conditions and in comparison to competitors or other brands that are likely to be present in the same marketing environment as your brand.

Introduction to Eye Tracking

What is Eye Tracking?

Eye tracking technology allows researchers to observe viewing patterns and understand what a person is looking at. It is a quick and easy way to analyze how your target audience reacts to the marketing tools you employ for communication. It allows you to determine which tools work and which do not.
Eye tracking helps to find the answers the following questions:
 • What marketing elements capture the gaze of the consumer?
 • What drives the decision-making process?
 • Which parts of the communication process do consumers focus on, and which parts do they ignore?

This tool helps to understand what you should refine or change in your marketing in order to attract more customers. It helps you to make a product more attractive and to increase customer base.

Why use Eye Tracking?

It is crucial to understand how your brand colors or new website design are perceived by your target audience. Thanks to eye tracking, you will be able to intercept a person’s reaction before they are able to filter it and present it to you in a distorted or subjective way. You will know with a high degree of certainty what people see and what they do not see.

Eye tracking not only allows you to explore whether consumers like your packaging or advertisement – eye tracking will also allow you to check specific reactions to aspects of your marketing. This differs from traditional consumer surveys because it provides insight into the user’s natural reactions based on their eye movement. You can have confidence that the findings produced reflect the genuine position of the consumer. What people say and what they do can often be completely different things and eye tracking helps us to find these discrepancies.

How does Eye Tracking work?

Eye tracking allows researchers to identify where a person is really looking on a screen. It is communicated through three parameters: fixation, duration, movement.

Fixation. Eye tracking shows the location of a customer’s gaze at any given moment. It is the basic unit of analysis for understanding visual attention. Fixations are very short, commonly lasting for fractions of a second. A high number of fixations on a certain area tells us that a customer is looking at something. However, while eye tracking alone can tell us what a person looks at, it cannot tell us why.

Duration. This parameter tells us that a person is paying attention to a particular visual element. But duration data can be hard to interpret correctly. A person could be confused by a particular element, or the element could be hard to interpret. Alternatively, the viewer may simply find it engaging.

Movement. It helps to understand how a person’s gaze moves from one point to another. This information is particularly useful for website designers. Movement patterns tell us how a person reacts to visual stimuli. It helps to understand how you should design your website to convey the message you need. A person may focus on a large block in the center before moving to navigation elements at the top of the site, and so on.

There is much more to an eye tracking, but these three parameters will give you the basic idea of how eye tracking works.

Benefits of using CoolTool Eye Tracking

Easy-to-use. The intuitive interface does not require special skills or training.

A vast variety of analytical tools. You can indicate your own areas of interest (e.g. logo, message) on the materials you are testing.

Survey-integrated. Include questions that require eye tracking device in your questionnaire in a simple and convenient way. Then cross-analyze data from a survey with data from an eye tracking.

Real-time results. Data instantly appears in your project. You get it in form of visualizations - heat map, gaze plots, opacity maps, as well as all the stats on your areas of interest. Feel free to export this data to Excel or SPSS.

Automatic reporting. The system automatically generates visualized reports, which you can download to fully editable PPT or PDF.

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