UX Reality

For Academics

CoolTool for Academics

What is CoolTool for academics?

It is the most suitable in terms of price and quality solution for academics who study human interaction.

It’s a technology hub with advanced neuromarketing tools - EEG, eye tracking, sophisticated surveys, emotion measurement, and mouse tracking. Get the whole laboratory of neuromarketing and use it for study, research and practice. CoolTool supports academic research and offers a 50% discount on all of your academic/educational projects.

Benefits of using CoolTool

Discover 4 main benefits of using CoolTool.

Special academic pricing. You get a free account with ample opportunities and a 50% discount on your NeuroLab projects.

Collaborative platform. CoolTool is equipped for sharing projects and can engage groups of students and teachers.

Multiple tools to try out. We consider it necessary to provide free or very affordable tools and give the privileges to students and professors that are engaged in the future of the industry.

Easy to use and to analyze. CoolTool is very easy to use. You can run professional online surveys or take advantage of a full-cycle neuromarketing research with NeuroLab, which is also very easy to set up.

What is Academic Research?

Academic research serves an educational purpose.

It is a research conducted by professors or research students to test their hypothesis and share their finding with an academic community. If your research fits this description, you may qualify for our 50% academic discount.

Academic research is a multi-step process that doesn't always follow the straight line. You may find yourself returning to previous stages as you refine your topic. Digital tools have made research practices easier for scientists and academics. CoolTool offers a set of powerful business and marketing tools for academics. Universities are the future of any industry and we want to provide all available tools for research to academics.

See how CoolTool can help you

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