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Try in Action the Implicit Priming Test: Reveal Preferences, Stereotypes, and Prejudices

09 Feb 2018

The Implicit Priming Test designed by CoolTool is a technology for capturing and identifying the unconscious reactions to external stimuli. It’s a fully automated test that allows anybody (not only professional researchers) to determine people's preferences, stereotypes, and prejudices. 

People can associate a brand or person with negativity even without being actively aware of it. While participating in surveys they may say they like it (because they think they like it). But in the real world, they wouldn't buy or use the brand. The reason for such behavior is hidden in the subconscious. 

How Implicit Priming Test works 

Research showed that when we unconsciously agree with something, we respond within milliseconds. And if something contradicts our perception of things, we need time to think of the answer. Our automated IPT is built on this fact. The system compares the speed of response provision with the combination of objects and various statements or characteristics to conclude which characteristic (beautiful, stylish, desirable, very expensive, useless, etc.) is associated more with Object A or Object B (see our infographic to find out more). 

implicit test_on which devices to use

What can you test

IPT allows you to find out hidden attitudes towards many things: photos of politicians, celebrities, TV presenters, actors, brands’ names, logos, symbols, color patterns, products’ names, packaging, international images of countries, etc. But it’s necessary to remember one thing. All the tested objects should be under the same conditions: you cannot test well-known and unknown objects together.

implicit test_comparing brands_example

When to use Implicit Priming Test

The Implicit Priming Test suits best when there is a high risk of false information being provided or the intentional concealing of real thoughts and opinions by respondents, or when there is an assumption that respondents have biased attitudes to the tested object (product, company, person, etc.). 

Approaches used in IPT

The Implicit Priming Test is a subset of IRT approach (Implicit Reaction Time) that combines elements of the Semantic Priming Task and the Implicit Association Test.

Semantic Priming Task (SPT) - an easy to conduct, flexible test but with too simple a methodology. It gives only superficial conclusions about the preferences of respondents. At the same time, Implicit Association Test (IAT) gives excellent results but too 'scientific' a methodology. It takes a lot of time and can make respondents tired.

The Implicit Priming Test designed by CoolTool combines the elements of understandable SPT and sophisticated IAT. Thanks to this fact, it suits marketing and research needs:

· it is easily adjustable,

· isn’t boring for respondents,

· it allows you to segment the audience in the report according to their attitude towards the objects. 

IPT allows you to find consumers insights at a deep, subconscious level to predict their behavior more accurately than ever. Define who or what is real "people’s choice." 


Set up your first implicit priming test right now. Register a free account at CoolTool and start revealing people's hidden preferences or stereotypes.



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