UX Reality


Stop Imagining Brains When You Hear the Word ‘Neuromarketing’

20 Oct 2016

When you thinking ‘neuromarketing’ just stop imagining brains, wires, test tubes and pundits in white lab coats. Neuromarketing is rather about well-designed landing pages, user-friendly sites, handy and bright packaging, catchy videos and images. That is to say, you are dealing not with a hospital but with a fancy shopping mall with appealing displays, 3D cinema, and giant food court. Having tried neuromarketing once you'll never revert to traditional marketing. 

It might be hard to imagine but people love neuromarketing more than marketers do

Let’s put aside the widespread misconception that usage of neuromarketing is not ethical. Your customers actually love neuromarketing because it makes your product better. And who benefits the most from it? Of course, your customers do. When you use neuromarketing you are not interfering with personal lives of your customers, you are not trying to read their thoughts or peep into their windows when they are taking shower, asking them whether they like your new soap or not.

Neuromarketing helps not just you, but also your customers to better understand their behavior.

People are interested in knowing how they react to different products, what drives their choice, which emotions they feel when interacting with it. And neuromarketing allows you and your customer to find this out using cutting-edge technologies. 

Technologies led the world throughout history and neuromarketing is a bright example of it 

When someone invented a wheel and created a carriage afterwards did they think: «Nooo, it’s totally useless, no one will even look at it. Everybody will continue to carry heavy stuff on their backs because it’s a traditional way to carry stuff around, even though an uncomfortable one». Maybe, but the technology was already in place and those who started using it benefited a lot.

Neuromarketing is a way to improve your product and at the same time a way to enhance interaction with your customers.

It allows to mitigate subjective perception of the product by customers and to obtain data, which provides you with insights about what your customers actually think and how they feel.

Things which make such data distillation possible are technologies, which will undoubtedly develop faster in the future and so will neuromarketing. 

It’s exciting! 

Yes, it is! Neuromarketing is seductive for marketers, as it allows to better engage customers, and as a result to boost revenues. Neuromarketing is intriguing for customers, as it offers new ways of interacting with a product, making a product more engaging and appealing. And as a cherry on top – have you seen visualizations of neuromarketing data? They are easy and pleasing to look at, which is a nice bonus for those who need to spend time looking at data and interpreting it. 

In a nutshell, neuromarketing makes marketing easier and more attractive both for marketers and customers. It bridges the gap between what marketers do and what customers actually want them to do. It helps to mitigate misunderstanding between them, resulting in better satisfaction of needs and in, minor detail we know you care about, more sales. 


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