UX Reality


Let's Meet: Events Schedule 2017

27 Feb 2017

Another year of great events and exhibitions is coming. We look forward to each of them to meet old friends, make new ones and share with you a bunch of new features we were working on. Stop by our booths to check out our new visualizations, our NeuroLab, now with mouse tracking tool in addition to already existing - eye tracking, EEG, and emotions measurement. See for yourself how accurately eye tracker captures your gaze, how EEG headset can tell if you are paying attention, how a webcam can tell what you are feeling and of course how all of these matches what you actually say on a survey. All of these you can try out at CoolTool booth at each of these events.

We have also prepared cool presents for you, don't hesitate to participate in our lotteries and other activities :)

Subscribe to our newsletter to get a reminder about the closest demo.

1. Event: Research & Innovation, Made in Africa
Date: February 16-17, 2017
Location:  Johannesburg
More info.


2. Event: IIeX Europe
Date: February 20-21, 2017
Location: Amsterdam
More info. 


3. Event: Marketing Week Live
Date:  March 8-9, 2017
Location: London
More info.  


4. Event: Webinar Sponsor ESOMAR Virtual Conference "The Best For Russia", let's meet at ResearchExpo
Date: March 17, 2017
Location: Moscow
More info. 


5. Event: International Convention of Psychological Science  
Date: March 23-25, 2017
Location: Vienna
More info.   


6. Event: NMWF 
Date: March  29-31, 2017
Location: London
More info. 


Date:  April 5-7, 2017
Location: Mexico City
More info. 


8. Event: ESOMAR APAC  
Date:  May 17-19, 2017
Location: Shanghai
More info. 


9. Event: MRMW ASIA-PACIFIC 2017 
Date: June 28-29, 2017 
Location: Singapore
More info.


10. Event: ESOMAR Congress 
Date: September 10-13, 2017
Location: Amsterdam
More info.


11. Event: IIeX LATAM
Date: 27-28 September
Location: Buenos Aires
More info. 


12. Event: Shopper Brain
Date: 5-6 October
Location: Amsterdam 
More info.


13. Event: Research & Results’17 
Date:  October 25-26, 2017
Location: Munich
More info.



14. Event: ESOMAR BigData World,
Date:  November 27-29, 2017 
Location: New York City
More info.


Read also:
26 Oct 2017

40+ Weird and Confusing Neuro-research Terms With Their Definitions

24 Nov 2016

5 IFs to Ignore Neuromarketing

17 Dec 2019

The importance of Eye Tracking for UX testing on mobile

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