UX Reality


Houston, We've Solved a Problem!

06 Mar 2017

Have a long video to test? No problem! Now you can run NeuroLab tests on videos that last up to 15 minutes (contrary to prior limit of 5 minutes). Simply log in to your CoolTool account and upload a video you want to test to your questionnaire. 

Now you can test:

  • trailers
  • video advertisement
  • video clips
  • animated cartoon
  • video presentation, etc.

Enjoy eye tracking, emotions measurement and EEG data from your NeuroLab tests.

, if you are testing materials that last longer than 1 minute, we recommend that you use the Eye Tracker Pro. This model uses the head movement compensation algorithm and respondent is not required to remain completely still during the test.

Log in your account at CoolTool to check out this update!

How to Launch a NeuroLab test for Video at CoolTool

1. Create free account

2. Create your first project

3. Press create next to Questionnaire on your dashboard

4. Add a new question and select Video among NeuroLab questions

5. Upload your video (max: 15 minutes, 300 MB) and select the technology you want to use (Eye Tracking, EEG, Emotions Measurement) 

6. Set a design for your questionnaire

7. Add data collectors based on the technology you have selected in a questionnaire (Eye Tracking, EEG, Emotions Measurement) 

8. Start data collector and watch results coming in a real time.

9. Enjoy results in an automatically generated report.

Read also:
03 Aug 2017

6-10 Minutes Is The Ideal Survey Length

14 Jun 2017

Overcoming The Pain of Paying: How To Affect Consumer Behavior?

09 Nov 2017

What Clients Expect from Research Agencies Today

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